Image: The Ultimate Bird Drawing Throwdown Showdown Graphic featuring images of David Sibley and H. Jon Benjamin

Join BirdNote tomorrow, November 30th!

Illustrator David Sibley and actor H. Jon Benjamin will face off in the bird illustration battle of the century during BirdNote's Year-end Celebration and Auction!


Shows With Contributions by Conor Gearin

A female Chestnut-sided Warbler perched on a thorny branch

Slowing Down and Observing Female Birds

The colorful feathers and loud songs of male songbirds often catch a birder’s attention first. Observing females often means birding more slowly, noticing subtle differences in plumage and behavior, says Joanna Wu, who’s part of a group called the Galbatrosses that’s encouraging birders to…
A male Greater Prairie Chicken in courtship display, one foot raised and his feathers softly backlit by sunlight

How to Be a Better Wildlife Photographer

Conservation photographer Noppadol Paothong says that if you go out to take pictures of birds, you shouldn’t just aim to take an eye-catching photo. He spends long hours in photo blinds, often watching and studying birds rather than photographing them. He has become deeply familiar with…
Oriental Magpie-Robin displaying his navy blue head, chest, and wings, with white underparts and white stripe on the wing.

Spark Bird: Meghadeepa Maity

Meghadeepa Maity grew up in India on the outskirts of a city that still had pockets of green space here and there, like their family’s garden. They started noticing one bird species in particular that flocked to the garden. With their sister, Meghadeepa searched the web and learned the…
Haley Scott holding binoculars to her eyes as she looks upward while birdwatching from a boat.

Haley Scott on Leading Bird Walks

Haley Scott leads bird walks with the Feminist Bird Club in New York City. And she tries to make her walks comfortable for newcomers and experienced birders alike. “We’re all in the process together, we’re all learning the birds together,” she says. She values the inclusive approach of the…
A graphic with the Bring Birds Back artwork on the right side, a headshot of Conor Gearin in the top-left corner, and a photo of Tenijah Hamilton looking through binoculars in the bottom-left corner.

The Bird Journey Continues!

Tenijah got hooked on birding at the start of the pandemic, and during the last season of Bring Birds Back she learned a lot about our feathered friends. This season, she’s ready to learn and share more simple ways to help birds — while discovering new birding skills from experts. After…
A Thick-billed Longspur sits on a strand of barbed wire. The bird looks to its left, and displays a black throat, speckled belly, white eyebrow, and brown patterned wings.

Thick-billed Longspur

It can feel like there’s nowhere to hide in the shortgrass prairie. But the Thick-billed Longspur calls this place home. The bird’s burbling song helps create the high plains’ soundscape. The species was formerly named McCown’s Longspur after a Confederate general who participated in…
Photographer and author Noppadol Paothong, dressed for cold weather, sits inside a tent with openings for his cameras used for photographing wildlife.

Noppadol Paothong on Conservation Photography

Growing up in Thailand, Noppadol Paothong loved the outdoors, and began learning about cameras at just eight or nine years old. He came to the U.S. to study graphic design, but the woman who’s now his wife encouraged him to pursue photography instead. While working at a daily newspaper, he…
Georgia Silvera Seamans, a Black woman, raises binoculars to her face while sitting in sunlight near a fountain at the Washington Square Park in Manhattan. Georgia is the director of an organization called Washington Square Park Eco Projects.

A Small Park That Has What Birds Need

Washington Square Park in Manhattan is just 10 acres. But Georgia Silvera Seamans, who leads wildlife surveys there, says there’s a spot that draws in many birds because of its well-developed forest canopy. Georgia is the director of an organization called Washington Square Park Eco…
A Blue Jay with its back to the viewer, looking up over its right shoulder in a quizzical or thoughtful pose

Bird...NOT! with H. Jon Benjamin

During the COVID-19 pandemic, actor H. Jon Benjamin began sharing his experiences with birds in his “Morning Bird Report” videos on social media. For April Fools Day, BirdNote has invited him to test out his birding-by-sound skills on a one-of-a-kind quiz show: Bird…NOT! Jon has to guess…
A Masked Lapwing parent shelters its small chicks against/beneath its chest

Listening From Inside the Egg

Shorebird chicks hatch into a dangerous world, so they need to be vigilant from the start. Researchers in Australia noticed that some shorebird chicks began chirping in their final days in the egg. The chirps fell silent when the researchers played recordings of a Little Raven, which hunts…