Image: The Ultimate Bird Drawing Throwdown Showdown Graphic featuring images of David Sibley and H. Jon Benjamin

Join BirdNote tomorrow, November 30th!

Illustrator David Sibley and actor H. Jon Benjamin will face off in the bird illustration battle of the century during BirdNote's Year-end Celebration and Auction!


Shows With Contributions by Conor Gearin

A male Red-winged-Blackbird

Help eBird Fill in the Gaps

eBird, an online tool for submitting bird observations, allows scientists to keep track of birds around the world. eBird now has over one billion bird observations from more than 700,000 people — most of them community scientists who care about their local birds. And as more people in more…
A pair of Tree Swallows flying near the entrance of a nestbox

BirdNoir: Staging a Bird-Murder

In this episode of BirdNoir, the Private Eye sees some suspicious activity: a House Sparrow tries to steal a nestbox from Tree Swallows, but then flees the scene in terror. He stakes out the nestbox to see what the Tree Swallows are doing to keep intruders away.
A Golden-headed Manakin on a slender diagonal branch with greenery in the background

Moonwalking Manakins

The Golden-headed Manakin is a tiny bird with dance moves that would turn a pop star green with envy. Johanne Ryan, a nature educator who lives in Trinidad, describes this bird’s remarkable breeding display, which features a moonwalk and tail-flicks.
A Rusty Blackbird showing speckled black and golden plumage

The Rusty Blackbird’s Unique Beauty

In the fall, Rusty Blackbirds get new feathers with reddish-gold highlights that have a unique and subtle beauty. Their complex little song might sound like a door hinge that needs some grease. Though once common, Rusty Blackbirds have lost over 90 percent of their population since 1966 –…
A male Bobolink seen in profile clinging to a slender reed and singing

Greater Chicago’s Bird Diversity

Judy Pollock, the founding president of the Bird Conservation Network, says the Chicago area is crucial to birds, and has a grassroots conservation movement that supports many nature preserves. With a team of more than 200 volunteers, the Bird Conservation Network conducted 22 years of…
A Scaly-breasted Wren singing while standing on a branch, with diffuse greenery in background

Birds Can Keep the Beat

The Scaly-breasted Wren lives in Central and South America, and has a lengthy song of whistled notes separated by pauses. By analyzing song recordings, researchers found that Scaly-breasted Wrens can precisely measure out pauses — even as they increase to several seconds. The findings…
An American Robin's nest built atop a car battery on a porch in New Hampshire

Strange Places for a Nest

Birds are resourceful. Wherever they live, even in the biggest cities, they find clever places to build their nests. An initiative from the Cornell Lab of Ornithology called Celebrate Urban Birds once asked people to share the funkiest and funniest places they’ve seen a bird nest. Among…
American Woodcock walking over fallen leaves and twigs

The Woodcock’s Silly Walk

When it comes to silly walks, no bird outdoes the American Woodcock’s one-of-a-kind strut. It goes like this: take one step forward, then rock your whole torso forward and back a few times before sliding another foot forward — all while keeping your head perfectly steady. It looks like a…
A Tufted Titmouse looks to its left, showing soft gray feathers and white throat and belly, while standing on a slender branch.

Titmice Lead the Way

In winter, many songbirds join flocks made up of multiple species that travel around looking for food, benefitting from safety in numbers. But a bird flock that doesn't move in the same direction soon scatters to the wind. It turns out that the Tufted Titmouse, a small gray songbird, is…
Molly Adams smiles while sitting in camping chair along a country road, her birding scope attached to a tripod.

Molly Adams on Birding with Long COVID

For Molly Adams, the founder of the Feminist Bird Club, getting COVID didn’t just mean a week or two under the weather. Like other people with long COVID, they’re continuing to have chronic symptoms after the viral infection. Fortunately, before COVID they had learned about a technique…