Image: The Ultimate Bird Drawing Throwdown Showdown Graphic featuring images of David Sibley and H. Jon Benjamin

Join BirdNote tomorrow, November 30th!

Illustrator David Sibley and actor H. Jon Benjamin will face off in the bird illustration battle of the century during BirdNote's Year-end Celebration and Auction!


Shows With Contributions by Paula Vilella

A small red bird with white cheek patch and narrow short brown tail perches on a diagonal branch.

The Red Warbler: Mexico’s Little Red Queen

Red Warblers only sing on sunny mornings during the breeding season — so hearing their song is as good as checking the weather forecast. Weighing less than a triple A battery, Red Warblers are endemic to the highlands of Mexico and live in humid forests of pine, oak, and fir. Listen to…
A small red bird with white cheek patch and narrow short brown tail perches on a diagonal branch.

Reinita Roja: La monarca escarlata de México

Las reinitas rojas solo cantan en las mañanas soleadas durante la temporada de anidamiento –así que escucharlas cantar es tan bueno como revisar el pronóstico del tiempo. Pesando menos que una batería triple A, las reinitas rojas son endémicas de México y viven en los bosques húmedos de…
Two Little Blue Macaws perched on a horizontal wooden bar, showing their blue bodies and wings with lighter heads and black beaks.

El regreso del pequeño guacamayo de spix

Aunque el nombre Guacamayo de Spix no te suene nada, seguramente reconocerás este pájaro. ¡Es Blu, de “Río”, la cinta animada! También se les conoce como guacamayitos azules, la especie se extinguió en estado salvaje por la cacería para el contrabando como mascota, pérdida de hábitat y…
Two Little Blue Macaws perched on a horizontal wooden bar, showing their blue bodies and wings with lighter heads and black beaks.

The Return of the Extinct Little Blue Macaw

Even if the name Spix's Macaw doesn’t ring a bell, you might recognize this bird. It’s Blu, from Rio, the animated film! Also known as the Little Blue Macaw, the species went extinct in the wild due to hunting for the pet trade, loss of habitat, and invasive species. However, scientists…
A pair of small green parrots peer out from an opening in a large nest made of sticks and branches.

Monk Parakeets: Little Green-Blue Invaders

Monk Parakeets, also known as Argentine Parrots, are native to South America but have become popular as pets – thanks in part to their intelligence and ability to mimic human speech. But in some areas, such as Mexico, these birds have become invasive. After being released or escaping, some…
A pair of small green parrots peer out from an opening in a large nest made of sticks and branches. "BirdNote en Español" appears in the upper right corner.

Cotorra Argentina: Una pequeña invasora verde-azul

La cotorra argentina, también conocida como perico monje argentino, son nativas de Sudamérica pero se han convertido en mascotas populares –en parte gracias a su inteligencia y habilidad de imitar conversaciones humanas. Pero en muchos casos como en México, se han vuelto invasoras. Después…