Image: The Ultimate Bird Drawing Throwdown Showdown Graphic featuring images of David Sibley and H. Jon Benjamin

Join BirdNote tomorrow, November 30th!

Illustrator David Sibley and actor H. Jon Benjamin will face off in the bird illustration battle of the century during BirdNote's Year-end Celebration and Auction!


Shows With Contributions by Conor Gearin

A group of people, some in wheelchairs, on a birding trip with the Golden Gate Bird Alliance.

Christine Okon on Accessible Bird Events

After Christine Okon was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in 2012, she found herself falling behind on birding walks when the group trudged across hills and valleys – something she once really enjoyed. Now, Christine helps organize birding events with Golden Gate Bird Alliance and designs…
A wide view from above of a rainforest in Colombia, vivid green tree tops stretching to the horizon of hills and clouds

Building Nature Trails Accessible to Blind People

When Juan Pablo Culasso spends time outside, he often encounters people thinking he doesn’t belong out there as a blind person – despite the fact that he’s a renowned nature recordist. He helped design nature trails in Colombia with features that make them more accessible for people who…
A Bay Wren perched on a branch, displaying its striped black and white breast, red wings and red eye.

Female Birds Sing in the Tropics

In temperate climates like North America, it’s often male songbirds that sing the most. Typically the males migrate north before females and establish territories for the short breeding season, using their songs as a way to claim a spot. But many female birds do sing, even in colder…
Flocks of Snow Geese, some sitting on a body of water, some in flight, with mountains and cloudy sky in the background

Using Machine Learning to Forecast Bird Migration

PhD student Mikko Jimenez and his colleagues are using machine learning to improve our ability to forecast bird migration. Machine learning is a type of artificial intelligence that can find patterns in huge amounts of data much faster than a person can, and then use those patterns to make…
A group of birders, some holding binoculars, pose together in a field, smiling at the person taking the photo

Birding for a Better World

Molly Adams founded the Feminist Bird Club to try to make birding safer and more inclusive. Along with coauthor Sydney Golden Anderson, Molly wrote a book titled Birding for a Better World that welcomes newcomers to birding and offers ways to make events more inclusive and accessible. The…
Silhouettes of migrating birds cross in front of a full moon in dark grey sky

The Music of Birds Migrating in the Night

Ornithologist Bill Evans has helped us better understand the sounds that birds make as they migrate at night. Known as nocturnal flight calls, many species can be identified based on their signature sound. Using special handmade microphones left outside overnight, Evans, his colleagues and…
A small very round Blackpoll Warbler perches on a fence and displays its fall plumage of olive-yellow body and black-aand-white wings.

From Alaska to Omaha, Then on to Brazil

Blackpoll Warblers make one of the longest migrations taken by a songbird in the world. Blackpoll Warblers that breed in Alaska fly southeast in the fall, appearing throughout the Midwest and eastern U.S. on their way to the Atlantic Coast. Then, they make a nonstop flight over the water…
Wildlife biologist Janet Ng in a red kayak, paddling across a water body showing dense coverage of water lilies.

Janet Ng on Surveying Waterbirds by Kayak

Wildlife biologist Janet Ng works for the Canadian Wildlife Service. And for her waterbird surveys, one of the most important tools of her trade is a kayak. Many species that breed in the Arctic pass through lakes in southern Saskatchewan on their way north, making it a great place to…
Two birds perched at a bird feeder — a yellow and black American Goldfinch on the left, and a House Finch on the right, displaying its brownish grey plumage with reddish feathers on its throat and breast.

Finches Singing Over the Sidewalk

The songs of two common finches provide a steady soundtrack in cities across North America: the House Finch and the American Goldfinch. While they can sound similar, a couple of key features help set them apart. House Finches sing sweetly but often have a sharp, buzzy note near the end…
A male Bufflehead duck floating on still water, with sunlight showing the "rainbow" iridescence look of his head feathers.

Seeing the Rainbow in a Bird’s Feathers

We make it a habit to detail the broad and beautiful spectrum of bird colors, but iridescent feathers are undoubtedly among the most mesmerizing. When sunlight hits the Bufflehead’s dark head feathers at the right angle, their colors transform into shades of the rainbow, from deep violet…