Image: The Ultimate Bird Drawing Throwdown Showdown Graphic featuring images of David Sibley and H. Jon Benjamin

Join BirdNote tomorrow, November 30th!

Illustrator David Sibley and actor H. Jon Benjamin will face off in the bird illustration battle of the century during BirdNote's Year-end Celebration and Auction!


Shows With Contributions by Mark Bramhill

Bird feather on the ground

Birds and Glass - Community Science

Birds do not understand glass. They see the reflection of open sky or trees and fly into windows at incredible speeds. These collisions, in both cities and residential areas, may claim the lives of as many as one billion birds in the US each year. But there's hope! Through programs like…
Bird feather on the ground

Birds and Glass - Community Science

Birds do not understand glass. They see the reflection of open sky or trees and fly into windows at incredible speeds. These collisions, in both cities and residential areas, may claim the lives of as many as one billion birds in the US each year. But there's hope! Through programs like…
Wingspan board game

Wingspan - A Stealth Ecology Lesson

The board game Wingspan came out this year to a lot of buzz. The bird-themed game is fun — but it’s also having a surprising impact. It’s gotten nonbirders hooked on birds. And it’s also gotten birders hooked on board games. Meanwhile, everybody’s learning something! For more great stories…
Wingspan board game

Wingspan - A Stealth Ecology Lesson

The board game Wingspan came out this year to a lot of buzz. The bird-themed game is fun — but it’s also having a surprising impact. It’s gotten nonbirders hooked on birds. And it’s also gotten birders hooked on board games. Meanwhile, everybody’s learning something! For more great stories…
Wingspan board game

Wingspan Takes Flight

The goal is to attract birds to your aviary by collecting things they like to eat. Your birds are worth points, and they score you more points when they lay eggs, gather food, or do other bird-y things. As you study your birds’ powers and strategize your next move, you’re getting a stealth…
Wingspan board game

Wingspan Takes Flight

The goal is to attract birds to your aviary by collecting things they like to eat. Your birds are worth points, and they score you more points when they lay eggs, gather food, or do other bird-y things. As you study your birds’ powers and strategize your next move, you’re getting a stealth…
The board game Wingspan set up on a table

Wingspan Takes Flight

The board game Wingspan came out this year to a lot of buzz. It’s been pretty much continuously sold out or backordered since orders opened in January. It won the Kennerspiel des Jahres, German for “Connoisseur's Game of the Year” — the board game-equivalent of winning best picture at the…
Spotted Sandpiper

Spark Bird: A Lifetime in Science

When he was just a kid, Gordon Orians kept notebooks about the birds he saw. And then he realized he could make discoveries – he could add to the body of knowledge and contribute to science. That opened a whole new world to him, and he has spent the rest of his life studying birds and the…
Gilded Barbet

Sound Escapes - Find Yourself in Nature

Sound recordist Gordon Hempton thinks our thoughts and our actions echo the place we’re in. So if we’re in a noisy city, we’ll be noisy ourselves. But, Gordon says, “When we go to a place that is nature at its most natural, I think we find ourselves being who we are.” Today, we're on the…
Zabalo River

Nightfall on the Zabalo

Visit a completely undisturbed ecosystem, where all the creatures we hear are all native to the land, and have coexisted and continued to evolve together for thousands of years. No animal is stepping on the communications of another animal. No two birds sound alike. It’s the final episode…