Image: The Ultimate Bird Drawing Throwdown Showdown Graphic featuring images of David Sibley and H. Jon Benjamin

Join BirdNote tomorrow, November 30th!

Illustrator David Sibley and actor H. Jon Benjamin will face off in the bird illustration battle of the century during BirdNote's Year-end Celebration and Auction!


Shows With Contributions by Chris Peterson

Yellow-billed Loon in breeding plumage

Interview with Gerrit Vyn

Imagine carrying heavy battery-operated equipment - along with all your camping gear - across the tundra. That's what recordist Gerrit Vyn did on assignment for Cornell's Lab of Ornithology. His mission? To record the calls of this Yellow-billed Loon. You can learn more about the lab and…
Golden-crowned Kinglet, sketch by Heather Murphy

Winter Field Notes - Reflections by Heather Murphy

Heather Murphy, a naturalist, watches for birds with the trained eye of a wildlife biologist, then makes a few field notes. From her journal: "I hear tzeet-tzeet-tzeet. Fast movement. Ah, a tiny kinglet. Which kinglet? Hm.m.m. No leaves anymore, so I easily see an olive-green back. And…
Teenagers attending VENT camp

Investing in Young Naturalists - With Victor Emanuel & Barry Lyon

Birding guides Victor Emanuel and Barry Lyon explore an old-growth forest with teenagers attending their camp for young naturalists. They study not only birds but also the habitats that support them. Barry and Victor are helping these young people increase their knowledge, make lifelong…
Teenagers attending VENT camp

Investing in Young Naturalists - With Victor Emanuel & Barry Lyon

Birding guides Victor Emanuel and Barry Lyon explore an old-growth forest with teenagers attending their camp for young naturalists. They study not only birds but also the habitats that support them. Barry and Victor are helping these young people increase their knowledge, make lifelong…
Red-tailed Hawk

A Good Birding Teacher

Dick Ashford, a hawk expert and former president of Klamath Bird Observatory, says there's more to learning about birds than just identification. A good teacher can welcome you into the field of wonder. You could look at a bird and say, "OK, There is a Red-tailed Hawk. Note the patagial…
Heron catching snake

The Heron and the Snake

It's a rough world for a young Great Blue Heron. A mere one egg in ten results in an adult heron. Only a little more than 25% of fledglings survive their first year. Michael Hobbs witnessed a battle between a young heron and a snake. Successful foraging takes practice. In a trial-and-error…
Osprey with chicks on nest

Ospreys Weather the Storm

Ospreys nest near water in a tall tree or on a tower, where they're exposed to the elements, including direct sunlight which can sometimes produce scorching temperatures. At other times, they're pounded by rain, as they protect their young. When the storm's over, it's back to feeding those…
Rufous Hummingbird perched

Banding Hummingbirds

Dan Harville has banded more than 11,000 hummingbirds! He affixes a tiny aluminum ring bearing a unique number around the lower part of the bird's left leg. That number will provide vital information to any bander who recaptures it. From the work of the banders, we know that a Rufous…
Black-crested Titmouse

Sanctuary and Bird Sound - with Patti McLead

When Patti and Patrick McLead purchased land near the Edwards Plateau in Texas, they wanted to create a bed and breakfast that doubled as a bird sanctuary. They built cottages and created a meadow. When they put in a pond, birds were quick to respond. This Black-crested Titmouse is among…
Cats indoors enjoy viewing the outdoors

Keep Your Cats Indoors

When they first leave the nest, young birds are especially vulnerable to cats. For some birds, it takes a few days before they can fly high enough to be out of harm's way. You can help by keeping your cat indoors, especially during the breeding season, March through July. If you hear a…