Image: The Ultimate Bird Drawing Throwdown Showdown Graphic featuring images of David Sibley and H. Jon Benjamin

Join BirdNote tomorrow, November 30th!

Illustrator David Sibley and actor H. Jon Benjamin will face off in the bird illustration battle of the century during BirdNote's Year-end Celebration and Auction!


Shows With Contributions by Bob Sundstrom

Black-capped Chickadees perched at either side of a full bird feeder

Bird Seed

When buying seed for your feeders, it’s tempting to get the biggest, cheapest bag. But not all bird seed is the same. Figure out the nutritional value of the seeds and whether your local birds can actually eat them. Black-oil sunflower seeds provide good protein and fat. Other good seeds…
Yellow Warbler singing on a branch

Tune Up Your Ears – East

By March in the East, cardinals and other songbirds that don't migrate are already singing heartily to attract mates. Many other birds – including Yellow Warblers – will return north from the tropics in April and May, announcing themselves in song as soon as they arrive in nesting areas…
Reddish Egret standing in water with its wings raised and outstretched

Reddish Egret - Lagoon Dancer

The Reddish Egret, a particularly glamorous heron, is best known for its startling antics in capturing fish. When fishing, the egret sprints across the lagoon, weaving left and right, simultaneously flicking its broad wings in and out, while stabbing into the water with its bill. Fish…
Tree Swallows huddled next to each other on a snowy branch

Tree Swallows Spend the Winter

Most swallow species that nest in North America eat almost nothing except flying insects. When the bugs die off in the fall, the swallows head south to winter in the tropical zones of Central and South America and the Caribbean. However, Tree Swallows can also eat small fruits. If Tree…
Great Horned Owl at nest with chicks

Great Horned Owls Nest II

When Great Horned Owl eggs hatch, the downy owlets are the size of newborn chickens. Their mother broods them day and night. A few weeks later, the owlets can be left alone while both adults resume hunting at twilight. Great Horned Owl young remain in the nest for about six weeks, then…
Sandhill Crane pair doing their leaping dance

Leaping with Sandhill Cranes

With a graceful leap, wings outstretched, Sandhill Cranes welcome the longer days. The stately cranes are courting, renewing an annual dance they perform in earnest as the days lengthen into spring. Sandhill Crane pairs remain together for life, and their spirited dance plays an essential…
Purple-throated Fruitcrow facing the viewer's right. "BirdNote en Español" appears in the top right corner.

Amanecer de invierno en Costa Rica

En una mañana de invierno en Costa Rica, un colorido coro de aves le da la bienvenida a un nuevo día. Una pareja de soterrey castaños canta un dueto brioso poco antes del amanecer. Desde las copas de los árboles del bosque tropical de tierras bajas, un grupo de tucanes pico iris emite su…
Gray Catbird perched in greenery, a red berry held in its beak

Birds, Berries and Germination

Some plants have evolved fruits with edible flesh that attract birds. When birds swallow the fruit, they also ingest the seeds. They transport the seeds to new spots for the plants to take root. Birds’ digestive systems grind away the hard outer coating of the seed, making it more likely…
Black-bellied Hummingbird, its body horizontal and wings swept forward, hovers in place while feeding at flower blossoms

Hovering Is Hard Work

Hummingbirds are built for hovering flight, with flexible wrists that rotate their wings in a rapid figure-eight motion that generates almost constant lift. Eurasian Skylarks, on the other hand, hovers by fluttering its wings 10-12 times per second, singing all the while. Some raptors such…
A Sanderlin in right profile while it buries its bill in wet sand while feeding, the foam of a wave's edge in the background.

Dining with Sanderlings

While many shorebirds have gone south, tiny sandpipers called Sanderlings are easy to find on winter shores. They follow the waves as they lap in and out, probing the swirling sand for prey. They often eat various small crustaceans such as mole crabs, isopods, and amphipods. But they also…