Image: The Ultimate Bird Drawing Throwdown Showdown Graphic featuring images of David Sibley and H. Jon Benjamin

Join BirdNote tomorrow, November 30th!

Illustrator David Sibley and actor H. Jon Benjamin will face off in the bird illustration battle of the century during BirdNote's Year-end Celebration and Auction!


Shows With Contributions by Camilo Garzón

A bird in profile, showing its vivid orange and black striped neck feathers, with a bright gold crest flowing back from the top of its head

The Firebird’s Bright Outfit

You might have heard of the Phoenix, the legendary bird who bursts into flames and is reborn from its ashes. Well, its literary cousin is the Slavic myth of the Firebird, an elusive creature whose feathers burn and light up the night. Stories about Phoenix-like birds have spread all over…
A view of Lake Merrit, with a man rowing across the water in the foreground, and trees and buildings reflecting on the water from the shore. "BirdNote en Español" appears in the upper right corner.

El primer refugio de fauna silvestre norteamericano

En el centro de Oakland, California, está el Lago Merritt. Y el lago, como Oakland, siempre ha sido una especie de refugio—de hecho, es el primer refugio norteamericano de fauna silvestre, desde 1870. El autor e ilustrador Alex Harris escribió la bellísima guía de campo ilustrada titulada…
A view of Lake Merrit, with a man rowing across the water in the foreground, and trees and buildings reflecting on the water from the shore.

The First North American Wildlife Refuge

In the center of Oakland, California, is Lake Merritt. People row in it, picnic and jog around it, and it's a place of respite within the city. And it hosts waterbirds such as ducks, geese, egrets, pelicans, cormorants, and coots. A beautifully illustrated field guide by Alex Harris, Birds…
A Buff-breasted Sandpiper with identification bands on its legs stands in a grassy pasture. "BirdNote en Español" appears in the upper right corner.

Ganadería y conservación codo con codo en Uruguay

En el Departamento de Maldonado en Uruguay, vive un biólogo, Nicolás Marchand. Él ha estado trabajando con ganaderos para hacer que criar ganado en pastizales sea compatible con la conservación y la sostenibilidad. Este enfoque asegura que los pastizales sean apropiados para el ganado y…
A Buff-breasted Sandpiper with identification bands on its legs stands in a grassy pasture

Ranching and Birding in Uruguay go Hand-in-Hand

In the Departamento de Maldonado of Uruguay, lives a biologist, Nicolás Marchand, who has been working with ranchers to make conservation and sustainability compatible with raising cattle in grasslands. A kind of approach that makes sure pastures for livestock also help host birds like the…
A Little Blue Heron stalks through water at a shoreline in sunlight. The heron has light blue body, a purplish neck and a very long sharp pointed beak.

What’s in a Name? A Bird!

Names are conventions, right? But some names contain something special: a bird! For example, the name Paloma comes from the colloquial name in Spanish for the common pigeon, but as a human name it often refers to doves. Or Garzón, my last name, is derived from Garza, or Heron, in Spanish…
A Little Blue Heron stalks through water at a shoreline in sunlight. The heron has light blue body, a purplish neck and a very long sharp pointed beak. "BirdNote en Español" appears in the top left corner.

¿Qué hay detrás de un nombre? ¡Un ave!

Los nombres son una convención cultural, ¿cierto? Pero algunos nombres contienen algo especial: ¡aves! Por ejemplo, Garzón, mi apellido, está derivado de la garza. Listen to this episode in English here .
Cattle grazing in Uruguayan pastureland near a wetland.

Uruguayan Fields of Gold for Birds and Ranchers

In one of the smallest South American countries, Uruguay, in-between its two largest ones, Brazil and Argentina, lives Joaquín Aldabe, a biologist and ecologist. He works with Manomet as a Ranching and Conservation Specialist on the East Coast of Uruguay, near the coastal lagoon, Laguna de…
Cattle grazing in Uruguayan pastureland near a wetland. "BirdNote en Español" appears in the top right corner.

Campos de oro uruguayos para aves y ganaderos

Joaquín Aldabe vive en Uruguay. Él es un biólogo y ecólogo que trabaja con Manomet como especialista en conservación y ganadería en la costa este del Uruguay, cerca a la Laguna de Castillos. Este es un lugar preferido por las aves migratorias, como el Chorlito Dorado Americano, quienes…
A light brown bird stands poised on a fallen log. He faces the viewer and looks to his right, as his splendidly long tail feathers fan out behind him. "BirdNote en Español" appears in the top left corner.

El camaleón de sonido

Imagina que eres una ave con tu propio canto único. ¿Qué sentirías si escuchas a una ave de otra especie imitando tu canto a la perfección? El origen de esta imitación es el ave lira real, también conocida como el camaleón sonoro. ¡La ave lira real macho puede imitar cantos de otras aves…