Image: The Ultimate Bird Drawing Throwdown Showdown Graphic featuring images of David Sibley and H. Jon Benjamin

Join BirdNote tomorrow, November 30th!

Illustrator David Sibley and actor H. Jon Benjamin will face off in the bird illustration battle of the century during BirdNote's Year-end Celebration and Auction!


Shows With Contributions by Camilo Garzón

Juanita Fonseca stands in sunlight on the edge of a shrimp farm while she collects data about migrating shorebirds

The Western Sandpiper’s Winter Migration

Along the coast of Sinaloa in México, there are species of shorebirds with one of the longest migrations in the Western Hemisphere. One such species is the Western Sandpiper, here known as el playerito occidental, wants to eat. But wetland habitats where they find their food are affected…
A bird with white breast, red underparts, dark blue head and wings is perched on a diagonal wire with leafy branches behind it.

The Bird of Freedom

There’s a bird in Cuba with plumage in blue, red and white — the same colors as the nation’s flag. The Tocororo, or Cuban Trogon, is the national bird of Cuba. When the Tocororo is kept in a cage, they often die. This fact has become a metaphor of freedom embraced by Cubans. The Cuban…
A bird with white breast, red underparts, dark blue head and wings is perched on a diagonal wire with leafy branches behind it. "BirdNote en Español" appears in the top right corner.

El ave de la libertad

En Cuba hay un ave con el plumaje de los mismos colores de la bandera: azul, rojo y blanco. El Tocororo, el ave nacional de la isla, vive en bosques y suele permanecer tranquilo, excepto cuando sale a comer frutas y flores. Lo que hace aún más especial a esta ave es que cuando se encuentra…
Black and white photo composite showing the traceries of European Starlings in flight


Photographer Xavi Bou creates incredible images of birds and their movements by combining his love of photography and technology with his love for birds and nature — as seen in his book, Ornithographies. He’s especially drawn to European Starlings and their movements as a flock, called a…
Black and white photo composite showing the traceries of European Starlings in flight


El fotógrafo Xavi Bou crea imágenes increíbles de aves y sus movimientos, combinando su amor por la fotografía y la tecnología con su amor por las aves y la naturaleza. Como se puede ver en su libro, Ornithographies. Xavi está especialmente interesado en los estorninos europeos y sus…
A small grayish brown bird with short pointed beak rests on stone edge of a birdbath, and faces the viewer while looking to its right.

The Private Lives of Public Birds

Jack Gedney’s book, The Private Lives of Public Birds, is dedicated to the familiar birds we see and hear in our neighborhoods. Illustrated by Anna Kus Park, the book shares charming vignettes about the birds’ behavior that are scientifically accurate but that also have an emotional weight…
An illustration of a Puerto Rican Parrot with the text "The Puerto Rican Parrot Comeback"

The Puerto Rican Parrot Comeback

In the season premiere, we travel to Puerto Rico to meet a bird that has survived deforestation, hurricanes and the exotic pet trade. The Puerto Rican parrot saw its numbers drop to almost zero at one point. But today, its population is growing and stabilizing. To achieve this, the people…
A green parrot with yellow cheeks and a black beak looks toward the viewer while perched on a branch

The Field Guide to the Birds of Colombia

Arguably the most bird-rich country on Earth, Colombia is the home of about 20% of all bird diversity worldwide. And there’s a lovely book published by Rey Naranjo Editores titled Field Guide to the Birds of Colombia with over 5,000 striking, hand-drawn illustrations of the country’s…
A green parrot with yellow cheeks and a black beak looks toward the viewer while perched on a branch. "BirdNote en Español" appears in the top right corner.

Una guía de campo de las aves de Colombia

¡Colombia alberga el 20% de las especies de aves en todo el mundo! Hay más de 1900 especies de aves que han hecho de Colombia su casa temporal o permanentemente. Y hay un excelente libro sobre ello publicado por Rey Naranjo Editores y titulado Field Guide to the Birds of Colombia. Tiene…
A bird in profile, showing its vivid orange and black striped neck feathers, with a bright gold crest flowing back from the top of its head. "BirdNote en Español" appears in the top left corner.

El traje brillante del pájaro de fuego

Tal vez has escuchado del mito del fénix, un ave legendaria que se prende en llamas y renace de sus cenizas. Su primo literario es el mito eslavo del pájaro de fuego, una criatura elusiva cuyas plumas arden incandescentes por la noche. Existen múltiples historias sobre aves parecidas al…