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Illustrator David Sibley and actor H. Jon Benjamin will face off in the bird illustration battle of the century during BirdNote's Year-end Celebration and Auction!
Heather Murphy, a naturalist, watches for birds with the trained eye of a wildlife biologist, then makes a few field notes. From her journal: "I hear tzeet-tzeet-tzeet. Fast movement. Ah, a tiny kinglet. Which kinglet? Hm.m.m. No leaves anymore, so I easily see an olive-green back. And through my binocs, eye stripes! Aha! It's the Arctic-loving Golden-crowned Kinglet." Peek into Heather Murphy's journal, where you can see her drawings. See more of Heather's work at WildTales.com.
Winter Field Notes: Hovering and Bobbing
Reflections by Heather Murphy
This is BirdNote!
[Sounds of a river, flowing]
We’re in the woods today, a mix of conifer and deciduous trees. Eighteen inches of snow cover the ground and the nearby river is freezing over. Heather Murphy, a naturalist, watches for birds with the trained eye of a wildlife biologist, then makes a few field notes. Here, she reads from her journal:
[Flock calls of Golden-crowned Kinglets]
“The sun glances off overhead branches and I hear tzeet-tzeet-tzeetz…fast movement.
Ah, a tiny kinglet, with teeny beak. Which kinglet? Hmmm…
[Flock calls of Golden-crowned Kinglets]
“No leaves anymore … so I easily see an olive-green back. And through my binoculars, eye stripes! Aha! It’s the Arctic-loving Golden-crowned Kinglet.
“Wow! Here’s something I’ve never seen, it’s hovering, like a hummingbird, at the very end of a Black Cottonwood branch… It’s gleaning, vacuuming the hibernating insects from the ends of twigs.”
[Flowing river and song of the American Dipper]
“Downstream along the icy-edged river … I hear high pitched, shortened trills … Cool! It’s an American Dipper … bobbing up and down on the water-covered boulders. It dives into the clear moving waters … swimming … seeing through extra eyelids (nictitating membranes)…it pries submerged insects from river stones. Popping up on the other side of a slender ice sheet, the dipper, which is adapted to winter cold, resumes its watch.”
[American Dipper and flowing river continue]
Take a moment to turn to the next page in Heather Murphy’s journal. Come to our website, birdnote.org where you can see her drawings.
Sounds of provided birds by The Macaulay Library of Natural Sounds at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Ithaca, New York. Calls of flock of Golden-crowned Kinglets 44839 recorded by Geoffrey Keller; song of American Dipper 105898 by Geoffrey Keller.
Ambient stream recorded by J. Kessler.
Heather Murphy recorded by Chuck Egner [email protected]
Producer: John Kessler
Executive Producer: Chris Peterson
© 2012 Tune In to Nature.org February 2017 Narrator: Mary McCann
ID# murphyh-01-2012-02-08