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At less than five inches long, the Red-breasted Nuthatch is the mid-sized nuthatch of the three species in the Northwest, and the most familiar. The White-breasted Nuthatch - like this one here - is the largest of the three, and boasts a louder, honking voice. The smallest of the trio is the Pygmy Nuthatch, its high-pitched peeping in keeping with its petite size. All About Birds has ideas about how to attract birds to your yard!
A Trio of Nuthatches
Written by Bob Sundstrom
This is BirdNote!
[Call of Red-breasted Nuthatch]
A Red-breasted Nuthatch’s comical, nasal voice announces its perch atop a tall fir tree. As it calls, the energetic little bird pivots back and forth, while rapidly flicking its wings. You might call it the “nuthatch dance.” [Call of Red-breasted Nuthatch]
At less than five inches long, the Red-breasted is the mid-sized nuthatch of the three species in the Northwest, and the most familiar. [Call of Red-breasted Nuthatch]
The White-breasted Nuthatch is the largest of the three, and boasts a louder, honking voice. [White-breasted Nuthatch calls] The smallest of the trio is the Pygmy Nuthatch, its high-pitched peeping in keeping with its petite size. [Pygmy Nuthatch calls]
Nuthatches are among the most engaging of all small birds, as they scamper nimbly up and down trunks and branches. Compact and stubby-tailed, nuthatches have slender, sharp bills ideally suited for peeling open conifer seeds or probing for insects in the crevices of a tree’s bark. [A quick medley of the three species calls]
And with a birdfeeder stuffed with peanut butter or suet, you can invite one of these arboreal acrobats to your own backyard. [Call of Red-breasted Nuthatch]
Learn which nuthatch to expect at your feeder by visiting BirdNote.org. I’m Frank Corrado.
Bird audio provided by The Macaulay Library at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Ithaca, New York. Red-breasted Nuthatch recorded by C. Marantz. White-breasted and Pygmy Nuthatch calls recorded by G.A. Keller.
Producer: John Kessler
Executive Producer: Chris Peterson
© 2010 Tune In to Nature.org June 2010
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