Join BirdNote tomorrow, November 30th!
Illustrator David Sibley and actor H. Jon Benjamin will face off in the bird illustration battle of the century during BirdNote's Year-end Celebration and Auction!
Gordon Hempton, the Soundtracker, likens the joy he feels after a day of recording Western Meadowlarks (their eastern cousin is seen here on the left...) to the experience of John Muir, who knew individual American Dippers (also known as Water Ouzels; seen here on the right) by their songs. Gordon says Muir “gives a description of the Ouzel that goes on and on. It’s painted like this mythical, sonic creature; the darling of mountain streams. But he had his favorite individual Ouzel that he knew over a period of years and would go to listen to his concert.”
The Meadowlark and the Water Ouzel
Featuring Gordon Hempton
Interviewed by Todd Peterson and written by Chris Peterson
This is BirdNote!
[Song of Western Meadowlark]
The Western Meadowlark and the American Dipper, or Water Ouzel…
[Song of the Ouzel] …Gordon Hempton, the Soundtracker, at QuietPlanet.com has recorded them both. [Song of Western Meadowlark]
“There are so many tunes that I’ve heard after recording the Meadowlark where its echo bounces off the sides of the valley, and it’s just so beautiful and then I push ‘Stop.’ My day is over. The sun is up. The wind has started to blow a little bit. The acoustics are breaking down. So, you know, now I’m free just to stand up and just feel the joy. I can whistle back to the Meadowlark and we can go into concert together…”
[Song of Western Meadowlark]
[Introduce sound of stream] John Muir, Hempton says, knew specific Water Ouzels by their songs. [Song of American Dipper/Water Ouzel]
“He gives this description of the Ouzel that goes on and on. It’s painted like this mythical, sonic creature; the darling of mountain streams. [Ouzel singing] But he had his favorite individual Ouzel that he knew over a period of years and would go to listen to his concert.”
[Song of American Dipper/Water Ouzel]
Listen again at birdnote.org.[Reprise Meadowlark + Water Ouzel]
The soundscapes featured in today’s show were recorded by Gordon Hempton and provided courtesy of QuietPlanet.com.
BirdNote's theme music was composed and played by Nancy Rumbel and John Kessler.
Producer: John Kessler
Executive Producer: Chris Peterson
© 2014 Tune In to Nature.org June 2017 Narrator: Michael Stein
ID: hemptong-05-2014-06-20hemptong-05Marantz V Track 93