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A high-pitched, tinkling birdsong rings across the open, grassy expanse of a field. The song comes from above, as a male Horned Lark hovers on fluttering wings, circling a hundred feet above the ground. Although a locally common nester in some open habitats of the West, the population in general has decreased by 56% in the last 40 years. Loss of suitable habitat is the cause. Read more about the Horned Lark in Audubon's State of the Birds report.
Hovering with Horned Larks
Written by Bob Sundstrom
This is BirdNote!
[Rapid tinkling song of Horned Lark]
A high-pitched, tinkling bird song – suggesting a tiny, glass wind chime – rings across an open, grassy expanse in Eastern Washington.
[Rapid tinkling song of Horned Lark]
The song repeats, yet no singer is in view. [Rapid tinkling song of Horned Lark]
Look up. The song is coming from above, as a male Horned Lark hovers on fluttering wings, describing a large circle a hundred feet above the ground. Suddenly, the lark drops headlong to earth, flicking his wings at the last instant to break his dive.
[Rapid tinkling song of Horned Lark]
The Horned Lark rivals the Western Meadowlark as one of the most colorful birds of our state’s sage- and grasslands. The size of a large sparrow, the male Horned Lark has a bold black bib and a bright yellow face set off by broad black sideburns and, atop his crown, black feathers he can hold erect like small horns.
Although a locally common nester in the open habitats of Eastern Washington, the Horned Lark of Western Washington is severely threatened. It maintains a small foothold in coastal dunes, but human infringement has all but eliminated this bird west of the Cascades.
[Rapid tinkling song of Horned Lark]
You’ll find a picture of a Horned Lark—and all the other birds we talk about, too—on our web site, BirdNote.org. I’m Frank Corrado.
Song of the Horned Lark provided by The Macaulay Library of Natural Sounds at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Ithaca, New York. Recorded by G.A. Keller.
Producer: John Kessler
Executive Producer: Chris Peterson
© 2009 Tune In to Nature.org Revised for Apr 2009
ID# 042806HOLAKPLU HOLA-01-2009-04-25