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It's dawn in a western marsh in mid-summer, and man! Those birds are singin'! The males of more than a dozen species are staking out their territories and attracting mates. One of the noisiest of all is the Red-winged Blackbird. He sings not to attract just one mate, but to gather a whole harem! Drop us a line and let us know what you think of BirdNote.
Dawn in the Marsh
Written by Chris Peterson & John Kessler
This is BirdNote!
[Selection from Greg Budney’s recording]
It’s dawn in a western marsh in mid-summer and man those birds are singin’! The males of more than a dozen species are staking out their territories and attracting mates.
Let’s figure out at least a few of who’s who…
First let’s listen to the Marsh Wren by himself …[Marsh Wren]….
Now with everybody else… [Marsh Wren/Budney]….
Let’s spotlight the Common Yellowthroat…[Common Yellowthroat]…
Now with everybody else…[Common Yellowthroat/Budney]…
How about a solo from the Red-winged Blackbird?...[Red-winged Blackbird]…
And again with everybody… [Red-winged Blackbird/Budney] …
Here’s a usually shy guy…the Sora…[Sora]…
Now with the full orchestra… [Sora/Budney]…
Ready for a review?
The Marsh Wren …[Marsh Wren]
The Common Yellowthroat … [Common Yellowthroat]
Red-winged Blackbird … [Red-winged Blackbird]
Sora … [Sora]
And now everybody! [Selection from Greg Budney’s recording]
Hear the whole thing again at birdnote.org!
Bird sounds are provided by The Macaulay Library of Natural Sounds at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Ithaca, New York. The dawn chorus was recorded by G.F. Budney at Malheur Wildlife Refuge (unedited). Marsh Wren recorded by G.A.Keller 109118; Common Yellowthroat by W.L. Hershberger 79476; Red-winged Blackbird by W.W. H. Gunn 57196; whinny of the Sora by G.A. Keller 120236.
Producer: John Kessler
Executive Producer: Chris Peterson
© 2015 Tune In to Nature June 2018 Narrator: Mary McCann
ID: sumsolstice-02-2011-06-21