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It's winter and time for a vacation. Let's head to the Amazon! With names like the Screaming Piha, the Blue-crowned Motmot, and the Black-necked Red-Cotinga, these are not your average birds. Insects are the background chorus for the Cuvier's Toucan and the Musician Wren. If you want to get away to it all, consider an ecotourism trip.
The Sounds of the Amazon
Written by Sedgley, Hilty, Peterson, and Kessler
This is BirdNote!
It’s winter and time for a vacation. Let’s head to the Amazon!
[Bird chorus of the Amazon]
So many birds. What are the sounds we’re hearing?
[Call of the Screaming Piha]
Now, that’s the colorful cry of the surprisingly drab Screaming Piha. (Pronounced pee-haw)
[Blue-crowned Motmot] And, that hooting sound? That’s from the Blue-crowned Motmot.
[Black-necked Red-Cotinga] There’s the saucy cry of the Black-necked Red-Cotinga.
And those continuous sounds? [Sound of insects] Those are insects.
[Cuvier’s Toucan] Oh, now we’re hearing the call of a Cuvier’s Toucan and the growl of a howler monkey [Howler growl].
Mm.m.m… listen for the delicate call of the Musician Wren. [Musician Wren]
BirdNote invites you to sit back and enjoy the sounds of the Amazon.
[Bird chorus from Amazon]
Amazon bird chorus provided by The Macaulay Library of Natural Sounds at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Ithaca, New York, recordist info not provided.
Producer: John Kessler
Executive Producer: Chris Peterson
© 2013 Tune In to Nature.org January 2017/2020 Narrator: Michael Stein
ID# amazon-01b-2010-01-17-MS