Join BirdNote tomorrow, November 30th!
Illustrator David Sibley and actor H. Jon Benjamin will face off in the bird illustration battle of the century during BirdNote's Year-end Celebration and Auction!

Craig Johnson, a watercolor artist and photographer, and his wife Joy, a writer, are authors of Our Puget Sound Birds & Habitat and two other photographic bird books. Their newest book, Our Pacific Northwest Birds & Habitat, features new photographs and includes some highlights from previous books, making it their best book yet.
Puget Sound area natives, the Johnsons participated in the International Shorebird Survey and Pigeon Guillemot Survey on Whidbey Island, where they currently reside. Active members of their local Audubon chapter, they work with them in conservation efforts and public education. Together, they enjoy studying ornithology and giving bird presentations to schools and a multitude of other groups. Their goal is to inspire others to appreciate and protect birds and their habitat.
For the past ten years, Craig’s small art business has kept him busy working with a variety of media, including fine art, graphics, photography and printing. With a BA from the University of Washington and years of experience working in education, Joy has contributed with research and writing, as well as assistance in running the business.